boring fast travel buttons
Where else you can find me
Hello there, welcome to my website :p
There's currently not much here, however I plan to add more to it as time goes on. One of my strong suits and also disadvantages is that I keep jumping from theme to
theme. Sometimes I like to do music, sometimes pixel art and occasionally also videos like animations and all sorts of things.
Added the bowtie and cleaned the design a little
made the colors more stand out. On the right is my adopted virtual pet Orki.
The first Headless Hatter OC. Not the biggest fan how it turned out. Too depressed in my opinion.
I made this one for halloween. It stuck for a bit suprisingly.
Stuck the longest besides Headless. By that time I got too carried away with naming and called myself names like pogo14, Flint0101 or Derix. None of the names were really grownded though. This guy looks pretty uncanny and unfinished now that I look at it.
A bendy wearing a suit and a hat. Might not be the most original, but I still like this one none the less.
The oldest "OC" I managed to find sadly. My first "OC" was error sans, but I think that image has been lost to time.